Despite our best efforts, you know the story, sweet temptations are so tough to resist. Weekend feasting, birthday parties, barbecues, buffets, pot-lucks, get together cook outs… and ending them all with a huge slice of cake (or two).

Skipping the weekend feast is not an option. Maintaining your gut health for it, is.

While we cannot avoid all that feasting (can’t say “No” to that birthday party or old-class gathering), we can be good to our gut and take care of it by having VITAGEN after their meals.

Some of you may have wondered, so how exactly does VITAGEN protect your gut health?

This is what I found out, in short simple points.

– VITAGEN is a fermented milk drink made by fermenting skim milk with billions of live probiotic cultures.

– These probiotic cultures are called Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei. (That is also why the original flavour of VITAGEN is called “LB”.)

– The cultures are specially imported from Chr. Hansen’s Laboratories. Chr. Hansen is a leading global company based in Denmark which produces natural ingredients for the food, beverage, dietary supplements.

– Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for health, especially the digestive system.

– Probiotic cultures used in VITAGEN LESS SUGAR can withstand stomach’s gastric juice and bile and reach the intestines alive to fight harmful bacteria.

– How it works: When your body loses ‘good’ bacteria, probiotics can help replace them, and also lower the amount of ‘bad’ bacteria from causing digestive and other problems.

– They can help balance your “good” and “bad” bacteria to keep your body working like it should.

– Besides having the goodness of Probiotic cultures (good bacteria), VITAGEN LESS SUGAR is the only cultured milk drink in Singapore that has high in Prebiotic fibre (dietary fibre).

– Prebiotic fibre aids digestion, acts as food for probiotic cultures, and helps support growth of good bacteria in the intestines.

– VITAGEN LESS SUGAR also has less sugar compared to regular cultured milk drinks, awarded Healthier Choice by the Health Promotion Board.

For those of you who want your slice of cake, here are some simple tips for dessert pairing with the VITAGEN flavour.

LB Original
LB Original has the lightest, most unadulterated taste in the packet of 5.

This can match heavier and more flavourful desserts such as dark chocolate or salted caramel tart, which balances out while maintaining a complementary taste.

Grape has a light summer feel, pairs suitably with chocolate cake which helps brighten the palate.

Desserts containing raspberries and blueberries work hand in hand with grape juice, therefore the choice of a raspberry chocolate cake.

Apple has a savour that is both crisp and sweet, matches up with desserts containing mango, maple, caramel, cranberry, currant, hazelnut and walnut.

For this choice of pairing, I choose to have the Apple flavour with a Mango dessert such as the Chinese Yang Zhi Gan Lu, otherwise known as Mango Sago Pomelo. Apple plus mango is so tropical.

The peach has a sweet refreshing tang, that pairs fine with other simple sweet desserts, or citrusy cakes with orange, lemon, and lime flavours.

An orange or strawberry cupcake can always go with Peach flavour of VITAGEN.

#Sgweekendfeast Contest
Instagram, tweet or upload your feast photos with #sgweekendfeast and #vitagensg for a chance to dine with Chefs Sam & Forest Leong at an exclusive BBQ. Plus, win amazing weekly and daily prizes such as holidays abroad, private yoga or pilates classes and more!

Contest starts on 31st August until 4th October 2015. Find out more at !


*This post is brought to you in partnership with VITAGEN. Visit for more information.



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