Well, you may have seen a similar looking drink at your local Starbucks, a three-layered drink with matcha green tea, milk and coffee.

Many cafes have also sold this visually-stunning drink, and you may just want to create your own version at home.

Some of you have asked “Where to get matcha powder?”.

More supermarkets such as NTUC Finest and Cold Storage already carry them, but Don Don Donki and MEIDI-YA supermarket should have a good range of supply.

1. Add 1-2 teaspoons of matcha powder with 2 tablespoons of hot water and 1 teaspoon of sugar syrup. If you do not have sugar syrup, honey can be used instead. (I generally prefer this with honey, but you can also go without the added sweetness as well.)

2. Whisk it all together. The reason for whisking is also to reduce matcha ‘clumps’ when making the drink, and produce a foam. (If you want distinct layers, the matcha needs to be of whisked thicker.)

3. Pour the whisked matcha into a cup.

4. Add in some ice cubes (say 6 to 7 cubes).

5. Pour in some fresh milk (or other non-dairy substitutes such as oat or almond milk). The amount of milk would depend on your liking, about say about 125ml? You can also pour the milk from the top over a back of the spoon so that the milk can gently go over the ice.

6. Finish off with a shot of espresso. (A single shot of espresso is usually about 30ml.)

Just a note though, matcha has about 34mg of caffeine, which is the same as a cup of brewed coffee and half the amount of an espresso.

So as coffee also added to this mixture, you may just want to refrain from drinking this too late into the night.


* By DFD’s Café Correspondent @__sy_g. Songyu is a food and travel blogger whose hobby is uncovering hidden hipster cafes and creating #SongHomeCafe drinks.


  1. Great idea, let’s ruin 3 perfectly good drinks by mixing them together. I tried this once and wasted a superb coffee and a superb matcha.


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