Flash Coffee, a once-popular coffee chain seen around Singapore, recently broke the news of its departure from the local food and beverage scene.

The bright and optimistic yellow cups no more.

Launched in 2020, Flash Coffee appeared to strike a chord, opening not just one or two, but at least 20 stores across the city-state at one moment in time.

Its idea was to craft specialty coffees with a grab-and-go convenience, with the signature yellow cup becoming a familiar sight in hands of morning commuter.

They also chose to price their coffee on the lower end for a specialty coffee store. I remember each cup starting from $2.50, and they occasionally had 1-for-1 promotions.

It didn’t just stop there. as it swiftly spread its beans across Asia, into Indonesia, Thailand, Hong Kong, and South Korea.

The company has filed for a voluntary wind-up in Singapore, closing its doors across all 11 locations in the city.

The exit of Flash Coffee from the Singapore market serves as a reminder of the fragile and transient nature of the F&B industry.

Hope the baristas and teams behind the counters, who had been part of the daily grind of many, will find new opportunities ahead.


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